COMPITI PER LE VACANZE CLASSE 3B LL a.s. 2019-2020 Lettura e riassunto scritto di uno dei seguenti testi (a scelta dello studente): 1) Charles Dickens Great Expectations (B2.2) Black Cat ISBN: 9788853012111 2) Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe (B2.2) Black Cat ISBN: 9788853008411 3) Mary Shelley Frankenstein (B2.2) Black Cat ISBN: 9788853008374 4) Edgar Allan Poe The Murders in the … Who were the patrons of the 18th-century painters? The theme is marriage and its social conventions. Did he admire Jade’s family? He established his capital at Winchester and invited scholars from the continent. There was a growing tendency towards material gain, individual happiness and pleasure as the main objectives of life. He sees God as a heroic, magnificent person. What could have happened if he had given up? the emigration of many dissenters to the New His ‘100 Days’ in 1815 ended in his final defeat at the hands of Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo. Because they couldn’t bear the unrelenting burden of torture, the continuous boredom, tension and fear, the deprivation of basic necessities like exercise and fresh air, the lack of association with other human beings. 6th paragraph: He describes how hard it was to make a shelf without the proper tools. Robinson’s account is characterised by reasoning and deduction; his actions are not driven by instinct but are the result of a logical process. Puritan rules were introduced, including In 1695 Love for Love was performed and was warmly received by the public. Shylock’s case against prejudice: The key idea of his speech is that Christians and Jews are the same in body, feelings and reactions. Which time of the year do they suggest? Tick as appropriate. display of horrors, unnatural crimes, vice and Memory is a major force in the process of growth of the poet’s mind and moral character, and it is memory that allows Wordsworth to give poetry its life and power. ‘save that light’ that shines bright in her eyes. Thus he insisted on the need to take a common-sense view of life. Ireland remained a separate kingdom with its own Parliament, though subordinate to Westminster. They are linked by the beauty of the morning. The novel is full of religious references to God, sin, Providence and salvation. F Anglo-Saxon literature was anonymous and it was sung by the scops. Student’s activity. It concerned the medieval relationship between the monarch and the barons, rather than the rights of ordinary people. It is horrible and unnatural because it is fratricide and regicide. Women could not resist him, but he refused their love. Blue words: the action of moving forward is There is the black magic of the witch Sycorax, which works evil on its victims and is usually the result of a pact with the devil, and then there is Prospero’s magic, which comes from study and knowledge and is used for good purposes. All was in a state of dance and joy, even the waves of the lake. This refers to those who are arrested and kept in prison without a specific accusation. how Swift has been labelled; He has been labelled alternatively as a misanthrope, a man with a morbid attitude, a monster or a lover of mankind. prepared to fight back. He obeys Prospero’s orders but he is restless at the idea of more work and reminds Prospero of the promise to free him. He sold his pen to the political party which governed the country. The idea of having been chosen by God is underlined by the fact that he feels happy even though he is completely alone. They are classified into two groups: the ‘tales of ratiocination or detection’, that exerted great influence on the development of the detective story, and the ‘tales of imagination’, where he went beyond the Gothic tradition to write stories where the ‘horror’ does not come from the outside, but from inside the self. Describe the relationship between science and religion at the end of the 17th century. To think and describe by means of words, and not of gestures, which shoulder was hurt. The rhyme scheme is regular; it is ABBA CDCD EE. During their reign acts were passed which set the course of parliamentary rule in Britain and paved the way to constitutional monarchy. Edward the Confessor originally built it in the Romanesque style near his palace in 1065. The Traveller is saddened and disappointed by the lack of an answer. Newton’s truly brilliant idea: if the force of gravity reaches to the top of the highest tree, it might reach even further; in particular, it might reach the orbit of the moon. 1.1 1 The Words of Poetry. The poet is now considering the urn as an object and not as a witness from the past; its beauty can help man to accept his difficult life. Why is Mrs Bennet apparently annoyed with her husband? The human imagination has been concerned with monsters ever since the earliest times, and we find evidence of this in cave paintings. Presta particolare attenzione allo sviluppo delle quattro abilità linguistiche (ascoltare, parlare, leggere e scrivere) e all’apprendimento delle strutture morfosintattiche della lingua italiana. Write down the lines referred to Brabantio. Tick what the vocabulary of the passage is concerned with. Detailed description of the setting in time and place. Did they employ the same linguistic means? It limited factory employment of children under 9. imagination; It gained a primary role in the process of poetic composition. What is it like? What do his words (lines 13-18) reveal about his character? He was looking at the Butterfields, his girlfriend Jade’s ‘perfect’ family as they were having dinner. Macbeth’s reaction to his wife’s death: He has no particular reaction and says that she should have died sooner or later. Tick the correct answers. Why would it be impossible to make the shirt? Constitutions of Clarendon written: these stated that the king was supreme in civil matters He calls him slave, so he establishes the master-slave relationship. E, God knows all my advice has only ever been to secure Your Majesty’s throne. The tasks she asks are even more difficult and probably only the leather and feather will be obvious. What are the symbols of Prospero’s power? an inner stage, which was used for discoveries What time is it at the beginning of the speech, in line 32 and line 51? It is 11 o’clock at night at the beginning, then the clock strikes 11.30, and in the end Faustus hears the clock strike 12, midnight. It implies the usurpation of the throne and also of the royal bed. What is the function of the island in the novel? the reason for the poet’s self-assurance; He is in love and feels the emotion returned. This joy introduces a sort of ‘spiritual beauty’, that is the one of love, friendship and poetry. It is in lines 79-97. During why Shylock is a complex character. That anger gets him to follow her and stop her, and then to ask some questions and receive proper replies, give expression to emotional experience and individual feelings, interest about the experience and insights of childhood, emphasis on the significance of the individual, restrictions on the individual personality, vital role as the vehicles of the inner visionary perceptions. He asks that his punishment might be limited, not eternal. Define the poet’s attitude towards time in this poem. How does the narrator feel? This influenced the emerging of the figure of the gentleman. misfortunes but generally manages to escape Esercizi livello A1-A2/Exercises level A1-A2. In what sense is The Tempest characterised by ‘serenity’? Describe the cause and effect relationship in lines 1-13. Permanent theatres were circular or octagonal. George III’s ‘royal madness’ and the Regency; George III suffered the first attack of what the doctors defined as severe mental confusion. Performer Heritage 2 Soluzioni.pdf - Free Download Tutte le soluzioni degli esercizi e tutte le trascrizioni dei brani audio contenuti nell'eserciziario del secondo volume di Domani. Cromwell took the New Model Army to Ireland for a campaign of repression which culminated in the slaughter of the citizens of Drogheda. She tried to settle into the old routine but it did not work. 2nd section (lines 21-24): Mother’s open declaration. What is a ghost? Yes, men should carry the things they need to speak about a particular topic. The religious question: The Corporation Act (1661) excluded the dissenters from public offices; the Act of Uniformity (1662) imposed the use of the Book of Common Prayer and the Test Act (1673) required all public employees to conform to the Church of England. The stormy clouds driven by the wind remind him of the ‘bright hair’ and ‘locks’ of ‘some fierce Maenad’ (lines 20-23). Who does Friday represent? State why doctors and scientists are researching stem cells. the dramatic quality; Sonnet XVIII: the poet addresses the addressee (‘Shall I compare thee’); Sonnets LX and CXXX begin in medias res. is left in Cassio’s lodgings by Iago, which makes finally executed. In all creation man seems the only creature that is capable of feeling not at home, of wandering ‘lonely as a cloud’. . Examples of repetition: red… red, her… her… her, If… If, be… be, wires… wires. He regrets wasting his life trying to find what he should do in life. an army of Royalists and declared war. What do Wordsworth’s ‘spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings’ and the emotion to be ‘recollected in tranquillity’ correspond to in Coleridge’s knowledge process? How do Romeo and Juliet develop throughout the play? The deal is not severe when it comes to penalties for missing any targets, but the UN is counting on peer pressure to keep countries moving forward. Both these images show the poet’s need to be free from social conventions and the civilisation of man, and to allow the free flowing of emotions rather than reason as his path in the world. 1st section (lines 1-3): The poet’s general statement. Beowulf has freed Heorot from Grendel’s menace. Number of stresses per line: The first eight lines have five stresses, the ninth line has six stresses. It is Lady Macbeth who decides to frame the servants, and she who actually does it and then gets Macbeth to go back to their room, wash and change his clothes. The best answer is that the poem is anti Petrarchan, striving to give a love poem more vigour. William Pitt the Younger’s policy; Pitt tried to simplify the financial system and reduce the national debt. First to wash his hands, then to take the daggers, the murder weapons, back into the room and thirdly to put blood on the grooms. The Europeans, Brazilians, Virginians and other natives of America (lines 5, 9-10). All four are herbs. So he sees it positively only when the population is not engaged in their work. It is only afterwards, in recollection, that the act is understood and described. What is the ‘current path’ mentioned in the first line of the text? Ask them to consider their own reaction to violence and immorality or to unconventional behaviour. Guy Fawkes, which are burnt on bonfires. The and ruled eleven years without it. // key words linked to Lord Randal’s testament: The poem contains a famous paradox, or apparent contradiction. Say who Gothic novels were addressed to. Tick as appropriate. During the Civil War the Long Where he lived: He lived in England from 1688. Write down when and where the scene takes place. What perspective does the first-person narration introduce? The Kingdom of England and Scotland established by James I no longer existed and was replaced by the United Kingdom of Great Britain with a single Parliament in Westminster. Church doctrine was Protestant The main characters are: Othello, a darkskinned Moor, a general of the Venetian army; What is the function of the ‘play within the play’? What is its aim? It contains all the typical elements of the revenge tragedy: a violent crime committed against a family member of the hero, the hero’s period of doubt which involves complex planning, the appearance of a ghost to get the avenger to carry out the task, the avenger’s soliloquies and asides, his isolation which may turn into madness. A It reveals some aspects of the characters’ personality. Where does Paradise Lost take place? This is the theory of ‘complementary opposites’. The famous ‘royal madness’ was actually due to porphyria, a hereditary condition. Because he is part of mankind. What happened when the writer returned to her old job? Wiglaf, Beowulf’s faithful retainer, the queen, her daughter and lots of mourners. He wants to exalt the middleclass man. To what effect? Stoker changed the name into Count Dracula and turned the character into a vampire, a creature he had read about in folklore and legends. Boulogne, St James of Compostella, Cologne Find the lines or phrases that Juliet speaks which mean the following. 2; 1.2 2 The Words of Drama. The human mind at birth = A tabula rasa (a blank slate). The sounds in stanza II are soft and whooshing, like the movement of wind and water. What are the main characteristics of the witches? He was a passionate, moody, restless and mysterious man, who hid some horrible sin or secret in his past. What atmosphere pervades the whole poem? between Becket and the king continued until 29th From whose point of view are the events told? Some fire lit by warriors up on a snowy cliff is thrown down on to the ship. He is middle-aged, well-educated and sensible; he is a careful observer, he takes care of his family and runs his business prudently. The conflict had its roots in Europe between Britain and Prussia on one side and an alliance of France, Austria and others on the other side. The poet’s attitude is anguished and bitter, and there is a direct attack on industrialisation and rationalisation. Keats identifies beauty and truth as the only true types of knowledge. king to abolish the peasants’ duties to their what the term ‘metaphysical’ means It means ‘concerned with the fundamental problems of the nature of the universe, and man’s function or place in life’. What does the Bible represent? The narrator is omniscient and unobtrusive since he just describes what he sees. The ghost’s identity, on the other hand, is revealed in line 13 Highlighted in pink: revelation of the ghost’s identity Highlighted in orange: metaphor of the ear. The poetic diction is full of polysyllabic Latinisms, inversions and circumlocutions. He was a prolific writer. She travelled to South America. Is that possible? This is the turning point in Portia’s speech: she says that even the ultimate judge does not apply unadulterated justice. No, they do not. What people does he meet? 1 Da questa pagina è possibile sia ascoltare e scaricare le singole tracce in formato .mp3, sia scaricare il relativo file .zip. If this is the case, then whatever action we take to change the future can be only one of the steps necessary to achieve that precise future. First-person narrator. Find the verbs of construction/creation. Military campaigns: A campaign of repression in Who are the protagonists of The Canterbury Tales? In this condition the poet finds his heart dancing with joy, a joy which revives the pleasure experienced when he observed the dance of the daffodils in the breeze. Romeo is very young and inexperienced. Gulliver’s experiences are different because the people among whom he is cast are in no sense children of nature. Red dots: opposition between ‘nothing stands’ The well is dry so there is no water for washing. Parliament. The narrator does not say her name. The Latin phrase written on the brooch (line 45) means. J. First generation Decide whether the following statements about the text are true or false. His narrative technique was original and became the basis for the development of the realistic novel. Complete the paragraph with the words from the box. Where was one of the first stories of the legend set? the other people involved or mentioned; ‘Late school-boys, and sour prentices’ (line 6), ‘courthuntsmen’ and ‘the King’ (line 7), ‘country ants’ (peasants) (line 8), ‘those kings’ (line 19), ‘all princes’ (line 21), the woman (lines 14-15, 21). He is repulsive in appearance and behaves instinctively, but he can be sensitive and has a sense of beauty. Explain how Magna Carta is viewed today. Scott made an extensive use of Scottish dialect since he wanted to celebrate the glorious past of his country and its independence from England, while Manzoni removed any regional inflections from the language he employed in the definite edition of The Betrothed because he aimed at creating a national consciousness. what terror creates and what horror presents. How does the director reveal Robinson’s thoughts? attempt to theorise about poetry; the Find the expressions referring to the consequences of prostitution in the context of urban life. How many people don’t know the stories today? What sort of Creator is this one, as opposed to the mild Creator of the Lamb? Open fields were enclosed into smaller portions of land to make more efficient arable farms; the soil was drained and made more fertile, so that cereal production was greatly increased; animals were bred selectively, therefore producing more meat. Subordination and unity. Her treatment of love and sexual attraction is in line with her general view that strong impulses and intensely emotional states should be regulated, controlled and brought to order by private reflection. Dante Alighieri’s Inferno, the first part of The Divine Comedy contains a complete, horrifying account of hell; Mary Shelley is stating that her literary creation is more disturbing than hell. The resources required to rapidly move away from fossil fuels and prepare for the coming heavy weather could pull large numbers of people out of poverty, providing services now sorely lacking, from clean water to electricity, and on a model that is more democratic and less centralised. Theatres, race-courses and taverns re-opened, and fashion and gossip replaced religious debate. Charles I was captured in 1648 and was brought to London, where a commission was set up to try him for treason. Which adjective would you use to describe these megaliths? Where is the climax of the story? Doctor Faustus is a tragedy because it starts with the presentation of the positive status of the hero and ends with his downfall because of a poignant flaw of his. It shows an objective approach to the events through clear and precise details. J, Then move not, while my prayer’s effect I take. Look at the first picture on page 80. Who asks the first three questions? T, The boy will never stop playing his music. Love and death, two rival families, violence/rage and pity. Who was the founder of this genre? sea captains to explore new lands and look for Dante’s Inferno. property on the way people treat each other, themes: marriage and the complications of love He does not surrender even though his condition is very hard (lines 3-4, 9-12). When he and his wife came back to England, they realised their marriage was not working and separated. Has he made a pact with the devil? C The author means that everybody agrees with the fact that a rich man must be in need of a wife, and goes on to create a world in which the opposite is ironically shown to be the case, as the mothers of the area prepare to unleash their daughters in pursuit of the two eligible visitors to the neighbourhood. Water was regarded as a holy element which generated life and as the gateway to the world beyond death. They hint at the suffering of hell according to medieval tradition. Why did the Romans conquer Britain? Do we find the poetry of the language an advantage or a disadvantage? Decide what effect they create. Describe what kind of personality emerges from Manfred’s words. London, Tate Gallery. achieved a peace treaty with Spain convention What is the first word spoken in the play connected with? Friar Laurence. What does Wordsworth mean by ‘spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings’ (line 35)? His life in prison was characterised by cold, dirt, boredom and lack of human interaction. What qualities of Robinson’s character can appeal to the common reader? When did the Wars of the Roses start? 1st section: In 1810 George III became totally incapable of reigning and in 1811 his son George, the future George IV, was made Prince Regent. His preoccupation with sleep is both the acknowledgement of his lack of innocence and the end of natural living.