I am selecting distinct on a code field but I cannot figure how to return the rest of the columns. The issue is with this line . After the Oracle DISTINCT keyword, it is possible to specify more than one column. In this query we start by selecting the distinct values for all columns. It's a never-ending source of wonder for me how so many people (not you!) UNION Example The following statement combines the results of two queries with the UNION operator, which eliminates duplicate selected rows. I've seen queries like this: SELECT DISTINCT(T1.id), T2.id, T2.amt FROM T1 … Sep 14, 2009 01:01 AM | invervegas | LINK. The Oracle DISTINCT qualifier affects all selected columns, in so doing, the result will display the unique combination of values from the different columns. WHERE conditions Optional. The syntax for the DISTINCT clause in Oracle/PLSQL is: SELECT DISTINCT expressions FROM tables [WHERE conditions]; Parameters or Arguments expressions The columns or calculations that you wish to retrieve. SELECT DISTINCT on one column, with multiple columns returned. think that DISTINCT applies only to one column. In this example, I am comparing multiple columns, but they are unrelated, and so they must be compared in separate filters. SELECT location_id, department_name "Department", TO_CHAR(NULL) "Warehouse" FROM departments UNION SELECT … Specifically, I want to replicate the following SQL query into PowerBI to create a new table: SELECT DISTINCT Col1, Col2, Col3 FROM TableA; I can find the DISTINCT keyword, but it only supports one column. There must be at least one table listed in the FROM clause. current out put is -----1 , raj, 25-may-2009, uk , 10 1 , raj, 25-may-2009, usa , 10 1 , raj, 25-may-2009, uk , 20 requried output....-----1 , raj, 25-may-2009, uk , 10 the first found row is enogh... thanks in advance :) raj I am writing a messageboard/forum and have a database with these columns: PostSubject ThreadID PostID (unique identifier) Multiple messageboard posts can have the same ThreadID, such as replies to a post. Dim sql2 = "SELECT DISTINCT " & Field1 & " INTO NewTable " & " from " & TableName Re: DISTINCT: single vs multiple columns L. Fernigrini Sep 30, 2019 3:20 PM ( in response to eeps ) Yes, DISTINCT affects all the data being returned, as John show you. The advantage is that you can select other columns in the result as well (besides the key and value) :. Advanced Oracle SQL Programming?. For other DBMSs, that have window functions (like Postgres, SQL-Server, Oracle, DB2), you can use them like this. tables The tables that you wish to retrieve records from. 10 store_key in (select store_key 12 from store 13 where store_state = 'SC'); ORDER_NUMBER-----O179 O116 O146 O183 O159 O161 O200 O162 O109 9 rows selected. You can use count() function in a select statement with distinct on multiple columns to count the distinct rows. SELECT key, value FROM tableX ( SELECT key, value, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY key ORDER BY whatever) --- ORDER BY NULL AS rn --- for example FROM tableX ) tmp WHERE rn = 1 ; Note that the "cross apply" mechanism from SQL Server would solve this, but it isn't available in PostgreSQL. I need to select one of each version in the data (using the code field) while keeping all the columns in the final output. Select distinct name, date , venue , duration from tableA the above query distinct onlu the first column in the select list but is it possible to distinct all the columns. Yes, DISTINCT works on all combinations of column values for all columns in the SELECT clause. Count() function and select with distinct on multiple columns. Next, we issue SQL*plus breaks to get only the distinct values for every column in the result set: select deptno, loc, job, sal, ename from lsc_emp join lsc_dept using (deptno) order by deptno,loc,job,sal,ename; Is there a way to get distinct values for multiple columns? Note: The Oracle DISTINCT keyword should be included immediately after the Oracle SELECT keyword.. Oracle DISTINCT Statement on Multiple Columns. Basically, it was their solution for how to pass parameters (which tend to be references to columns external to the current table expression) to functions called as … This statement shows that you must match datatype (using the TO_CHAR function) when columns do not exist in one or the other table:.

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