At work, she lashes at the insanely babbling Marie and screams at her before bursting into tears. This appears to give Skyler some closure. Jesse è il futuro, il sogno di una vita migliore, il monito di chi ha capito che fare la cosa giusta - seguendo la strada più difficile - è l’unica scelta possibile. Data la sua perfezione così com’è, non possiamo che essere grati della scelta fatta. Skyler is convinced that Walt got the cancer from laboratory chemicals and books an appointment with a top-rated oncologist. La seconda stagione della serie televisiva Breaking Bad, composta da 13 episodi, è stata originariamente trasmessa negli Stati Uniti dall'8 marzo al 31 maggio 2009 su AMC.. She sees he is sweaty and covered in dirt, and asks him if he has been out burying bodies. Character information It is later revealed that she has taken up smoking again as a stress relief mechanism, despite being pregnant ("Down"). L’idea non avrebbe rappresentato una conclusione per la storia, non necessariamente, ma se Gilligan l’avesse sviluppata, certamente il finale di Breaking Bad sarebbe stato diverso. In addition to Walter White’s house, fans love visiting the car wash that he worked at as a cashier. Later that day, she organizes a surprise, and scolds her husband for showing up late, not knowing that he has just been humiliated by students at a car-wash. Later that evening, Skyler performs a half-hearted handjob on her husband while on her laptop. Which, by virtue of being married to a volatile amateur drug lord who is dying of cancer, is what Skyler White was. But her resolve to protect the family remained intact, and she seemed to be at greater ease following Walt's retirement ("Gliding Over All"). The only member of her immediate family that is known is her younger sister, Marie. He responds by stating that he'll be robbing a train, puzzling Skyler. He also finally ensures her and their children's safety by exterminating Todd and his uncle's gang and also Lydia herself. Skyler's actions for the sake of the family sometimes left collateral damage to those around them, such as the accident involving Ted Beneke. Initially resistant, Marie finally breaks down and apologizes when Skyler says, "I need my sister back." The following day, Jesse Pinkman leaves a message to Walt impersonating as a telemarketer. One evening, Skyler asks Walt to take a drive with her to a nearby storage shed. She is further distraught when she comes out of her bedroom to find Walt Jr. and Walt watching the final, violent scene of Scarface, likely terrified of the possibility that Walt's criminal actions may one day lead to a similar violent fate for her own family. Full name After repeatedly and loudly asking if she is under arrest, causing a scene, to which Hank does not directly answer, Skyler angrily leaves the premises. In un’altra versione del finale, Walt imbraccia il suo M60 e va a liberare Jesse dalla sua prigione, devastando con l’arma l’intera prigione e anche un autobus per il trasporto dei prigionieri. Her personal life is even more empty than that of her aging, repressed husband's, Walt's. Walt Jr. alla fine, in qualche modo, trova l’uomo e gli dà dell’acqua, ma quando l’uomo capisce che è il figlio di Walt, per vendetta, fa esplodere entrambi. Anna Gunn E non lo sarebbe stato: la sua ammissione di responsabilità, perno del significato del finale, in questo modo sarebbe stata sminuita, o addirittura cancellata. At Skyler's behest, the Whites eventually procure the A1A Car Wash that Walter once had to work at. Regarder Breaking Bad Season 2 Episode 1 en . She later finds out Walt has been fired from the car-wash, and tells Walt off via phone, claiming he is running late. The show was broadcast across Canada and the United States on cable channel AMC.It has won 10 Emmy Awards. “I need support! Racconta Gilligan: Pensiamo: accidenti, è troppo ovvio che lo usi su un gruppo di cattivi? Skyler pretends that her lack of accounting skills and ditzy nature is responsible for the IRS finding out about Ted's fraud. She takes the opportunity to confront Walt over the message, leading him to confess that Jesse is his pot dealer. She responds by faking labor and is released. I Liked It. Relationships She is then confronted by Marie, who triumphantly announces that Walt has been caught by Hank. As a result, Skyler is detained and the store owner threatens to press charges. Walt reveals that it was the neo-Nazi's that murdered Hank and Steve and stole their money and put their bodies in the hole. The following morning, Walt eventually relents, but declines Gray Matter's offer, preferring instead to cook meth ("Gray Matter"). Walt usa il mitragliatore per sparare sulla polizia. The Breaking Bad car wash address is located at 9516 Snow Heights Circle and it goes by the name “Mister Car Wash”. She hates the situation that her estranged husband has put the family in, but she's not willing or able to avail herself to the choice of getting Walt out of her life. Remembering that he was supposed to be arrested, Skyler demands to know where Hank is. Skyler's character started originally as a housewife who was clueless of her husband's criminal activities. Eventually, Skyler does learn that Walt is a drug dealer and her relationship with Walt begins to crumble as she finds out more about him. 40 ("Felina") L’oggetto di discussione, naturalmente, è il mitragliatore che Walt monta nella sua auto. Skyler, along with Walter Jr., are forced to relocate to a hotel after the floor was soaked with gasoline. A few months before the beginning of the series, she unexpectedly gets pregnant with Holly. Jetzt Episode 6 Staffel 2 von Breaking Bad & weitere Folgen komplett in bester HD Qualität online als Stream. Despite this it is not enough and the DEA continue to pressure her to give up Walt and eventually force her and her children out of their home. After Walt Jr. excuses himself, Walt points out that it's been a year since his cancer diagnosis. She is warned not to say anything about Lydia's involvement in Walt's activities; having earlier met and warned Lydia to stay away from the Whites, she has now become a loose end. Although relieved that Walt is found unharmed, Skyler raises the possibility of the second cellphone, to which Walt denies the allegations. Skyler? La fine di Walter, che accarezza con tenerezza i macchinari che nel laboratorio venivano usati per produrre i suoi famosi cristalli blu, è il racconto di una storia avventurosa ma profondamente legata al male. Cinque finali alternativi, tutti fortunatamente scartati per lasciare spazio al finale perfetto, l'unico possibile. Walt wants to turn himself in but Skyler disagrees, stating "You can't give yourself up without giving up the money, so maybe our best move here is to stay quiet" ("Buried"). Quella che il vortice criminale in cui si era ritrovato gli aveva portato via. The character was first introduced at the beginning of Season 5 and became a series regular for the second half of the season. When Walt returns to say help her and say his final goodbye, she is noticeably thinner and appears to be a shell of the person she once was. Walt thinks nothing of it when Marie fills him in. Hank has discovered that Walter is Heisenberg and he seeks Skyler's testimony as evidence against his brother-in-law. Breaking Bad is an American television series set in Albuquerque, New Mexico.It started in January 2008. Walt taunts her to come up with a better plan. There is a growing perception that Skyler is beginning to enjoy her new life as a criminal accomplice, becoming much more confident in her abilities to carry out the money laundering operation and becoming less concerned about his criminal transgressions. Ancora una volta, sarebbe stato un finale lontano dall’assunzione di responsabilità che ha fatto la differenza. Skyler shows Walt all his money in a gigantic pile, stating that she has no earthly idea how much money could possibly be there. Skyler confronts Walter about his lies ("ABQ"). Skyler eventually stops working at the company apparently due to the poor condition of the facility (\"Negro y Azul\").After Walt abruptly leaves a breakthrough of a multi-billion dollar company Gray Matter Technologies and sells his financial interest for $5,000, Skyler becomes unemployed. Once Walt finally confesses that everything he did was for himself, she appears to feel some sense of relief. E non c’è niente, per un personaggio complesso come il suo, che funzioni meglio della verità per lasciare il segno nel cuore dei telespettatori. Appearance in El Camino voir Breaking Bad Season 2 Episode 1 en 01streaming . Walt returns home from burying his meth earnings in the desert, and collapses. A short time later, Skyler and Walt continue to run the car wash together. Breaking Bad Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Instead he gives her the lottery ticket containing the coordinates to Hank and Steve Gomez's burial site, bringing her to tears. After learning of Hank's death however, Skyler finally betrays Walt and forces him out of their home. ©: Edizioni Condé Nast s.p.a. - Piazza Cadorna 5 - 20123 Milano cap.soc. Skyler shows Walt she is depressed soon after and doesn't like the fact he bought nice new cars for himself and Walt Jr.. On the evening of Walt's 51st birthday, Walt, Skyler, Walt Jr., Hank, and Marie finish a low-key birthday dinner in the Whites' backyard. At Walt's prodding, Marie admits the plan is Skyler's idea. This article or section needs to be cleaned up to conform to a higher standard of article quality. Quell’abbozzo di sorriso sul suo volto, insieme alla confessione fatta a Skyler, sono un’assunzione di responsabilità, non un pentimento. Skyler is the primary vehicle behind purchasing the car wash, which is, to her mind, the best fiction that she and Walt can tell the world about their source of income. Despite Walt's attempts to apologize and reassure her that he is not cheating, Skyler remains unconvinced. C’era stata addirittura l’idea di Gilligan di una scena finale: Skyler e Walt sono in un motel, braccati, e devono capire cosa fare. Hank tries to convince Skyler to give Walt up. La morte è la punizione che Walter merita per tutto ciò che ha fatto e per ciò che ha fatto fare a Jesse. Before fleeing, Walt leaves Holly in a fire truck with the Whites' address attached to her ("Ozymandias"). "Whatever it is," she says, "I'm afraid to know" ("ABQ"). She discusses the incident with Walt, who tries to rationalize Marie's behavior on the basis that she was doing it for her family. As Walt leaves the store, Skyler attempts to confront them, but Walt bursts back into the store and kicks the jock in the back of his knee, to Skyler's shock and Walt Jr.'s amazement. Uccidendo Jack, Walter White pone fine al suo alter ego, Heisenberg. Skyler serves Lydia, who confronts Walt in the car wash about the quality of the meth being produced at present. Breaking Bad, ripercorriamo il finale della serie e i finali alternativi in attesa dell'uscita del film El Camino, su Netflix dall'11 ottobre. Il punto di partenza è sempre lo stesso: il mitragliatore. O qualcosa del genere. Later, as Skyler and Walt go to the Family 1st Clothing store to buy a new pair of jeans for Walt Jr., they witness several high school jocks making fun of Walt Jr. Walt tells Skyler to leave the situation alone, which allows them to continue making fun of their son. di Chiara Poli Questa idea in realtà non era stata presa in considerazione per il finale: Gilligan ci aveva pensato ancora prima della messa in onda della stagione 1. Upon Walt unknowingly confirming that he had a second cellphone while under sedatives for an operation, Skyler waits until Walt recovers from surgery to tell him she can no longer take his lies and is leaving him. Skyler's birthday is actually the same as Anna Gunn's, though the latter was born on 1968, two years before her character. For us. First Breaking Bad – Reazioni collaterali è andata in onda dal 20 gennaio 2008 al 29 settembre 2013 e il protagonista principale è Walter White, un professore di chimica di Albuquerque che vive con la moglie Skyler, incinta della loro secondogenita, e il figlio Walter "Flynn" Junior, affetto da una paralisi cerebrale. Inoltre, gli sceneggiatori pensavano che fosse meglio che mostrasse ancora una volta il proprio ingegno, anziché i muscoli. Abbiamo provato a immaginare cosa ne è stato di Jesse, Skyler e gli altri Il 29 settembre è caduto l’anniversario della conclusione di Breaking Bad , avvenuta esattamente due anni fa . August 11, 1970 "I don't want him to die at all!" Later that night, she is ambushed by Todd and the neo-Nazis while going to check on Holly. Regarder Breaking Bad Season 4 Episode 8 en . Quindi abbiamo avuto versioni in cui abbiamo parlato, per esempio, di quando la polizia viene a prenderlo. She appeared to be the one wearing the pants in their marriage - making most of their decisions herself without any regard for Walt's own opinions - ranging from their financial decisions to things as trivial as dinner, likely adding to Walt's feelings of emasculation and inadequacy. "Congratulations," she tells him. In the beginning of the series, Skyler is a loving, albeit controlling, housewife and mother of one with another on the way. Skyler rifiuta l'invito di Hank a testimoniare contro il marito. —— Ted Beneke (former boss and lover)Pamela Orbic (former divorce lawyer) Saul Goodman (former lawyer) Intanto Walter nasconde tutto il denaro nel deserto, e dopo essere giunto a casa e svenuto, propone un accordo a Skyler: lui si costituirà solo se lei terrà i soldi che lui ha guadagnato. Skyler then tells Walt that he wouldn't want to know what she'd do if it turned out Walt had stolen the tiara ("A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal"). When she goes to make sure Ted Beneke pays his IRS debt and he pointedly brushes her off (she is also frustrated that he bought a new Mercedes with the money and is considering hiring a tax attorney to try and get a better deal from the IRS), she can't help revealing to him that she was the source of the $600,000 that Ted was told by Saul Goodman had been left to him from his "Great Aunt Brigid's" Luxembourg estate. Voleva essere ricordato come Jesse James. Skyler "Sky" White (née Lambert) is the widow of Walter White and the sister of Marie Schrader. Iscriviti alla newsletter di NoSpoiler e ricevi le news più interessanti dal mondo dell’intrattenimento nella tua inbox! voir Breaking Bad Season 4 Episode 8 en 01streaming . Marie then forces Skyler to reveal everything to Walt Jr. or else she will. After Walt confesses, Skyler reaches for a kitchen knife and tells him to get out and leave. Later that evening, Walt contacts Skyler via a payphone and asks if the police are listening in. Marie says she doesn't know what Skyler is talking about. Breaking White: An Introduction to Breaking Bad Sempre più malato e debole, però, non sarebbe stato credibile. Walt tells her this is none of his concern, and when Skyler asks who she is, Walt describes her as a former associate attempting to bring him back, which he says he will not do. Social life La liberazione di Jesse - Walter decide di salvargli la vita, poco prima di azionare il mitragliatore nell’auto - rappresenta invece la speranza di un futuro migliore, e la conferma che il crimine potrà anche sembrare affascinante, ma non paga. She approaches Elliott about giving Walt a high-paying job with his old company, which infuriates Walt. Someone has to protect this family from the man who protects this family. Ecco il suo significato. As he reminisces about the early days of his treatment, Skyler slowly descends into the pool, fully-clothed, and sinks to the bottom. Appearances in Breaking Bad The final scene from Breaking Bad Season 5 Episode 9 "Blood Money" where Walter confronts to Hank and Hank closes the garage and punches Walter. Skyler then starts to teach Walter Jr. how to ring up customers when Saul arrives to chat with Walt. Non poteva che finire così, con la morte di Walter White. ("Negro y Azul"). Skyler notices Lydia's expensive ride and asks, "Who washes a rental car?" She traces the call and discovers a profane message containing a number. Skyler White (née Lambert) She later ambushes Jesse, who is trying to dispose of a corpse. Skyler threatens to claim spousal abuse if Walt brings the kids home, but Walt mocks this, arguing that she wouldn't want the police involved, nor would she want to hurt Walt Jr. with that assertion. During his disappearance, Marie lets slip that Walt might have a second cell phone ("Grilled"). Skyler eventually stops working at the company, according to her, due to toxic fumes of the facility, though it is hinted that the true reason she left might have had to do with Ted Beneke's infatuation with her. Her reasons for this likely stem from a desire to protect herself and her children and possibly due to Walt's impending, inevitable death due to his returning cancer, something Skyler made clear in the past she has been waiting for. Skyler si suicida. She was very capable and willing to get her way in every matter that concerned the family and Walt personally, even planning an all-family intervention-style talk with Walter to utilize family pressure to convince him to undergo treatment and acting up when the talk didn't quite go her way. Skyler White, personaggio di Breaking Bad. Later on, Walt confronts Skyler about the cigarette packet she had flushed down the toilet. She becomes terrified of Walt following the murder of Gus Fring and Walt's voluntary re-entry into the Meth business. Once they get home, they discover Walt is there, frantically packing clothes, as he tries to convince them to leave with him. Skyler quickly and forcefully confronts Lydia and tells her never to return ("Blood Money"). Breaking White: An Introduction to Breaking Bad [Moore, Pearson] on WriterBookkeeper, Beneke Fabricators (former)A1A Car Wash Manager (former)Taxi Dispatcher AMC / Google Maps Jesse’s House Breaking Bad Lydia was a high-ranking employee of Madrigal Electromotive and a former associate of Gus Fring's (Giancarlo Esposito), who reluctantly continues to work with … However he is able to partially exonerate her for being one of his accomplishes during a phone call monitored by the police by painting her as an innocent victim. However, Season 2 concluded with her realization that he had been lying to her about the source of his money, and Season 3 began with her intention of divorcing him after learning the truth. Walt and Skyler in 1993 ("Full Measure"). However, the attempts immediately halt when she learns about the fraudulent practices Ted is engaging in to protect his company ("Mandala"). Sensing that injuries her brother-in-law Hank Schrader suffered in a drug-related shootout are connected to Walt's activities, Skyler offers to pay for his medical bills, explaining to Marie that Walt won a lot of money playing illegal card games. Torna a prendersi ciò che gli spettava: almeno l’aiuto di chi ha fatto fortuna con qualcosa a cui Walter aveva contribuito. We map Skyler White’s journey over the 5 seasons of Breaking Bad to answer the question -- why was Skyler so disliked? Marie erroneously thinks that Walt Jr. is a pothead, despite Skyler's assurances to the contrary. The couple then starts to wrestle with the knife but Walter Jr. breaks the two of them up and calls the cops on his father. After the IRS catches onto the fraud at Beneke Fabricators, Skyler secretly gives Ted the $615,000 he needs to pay the IRS debt to avoid jail time. "We've come this far. Skyler was until then unaware of the danger she was in, so when the DEA collected her and her family in response to Walter's anonymous warning, Skyler knew Walter was involved. In order to contri… Later, Skyler helps Walt hide some methylamine at the car wash when he is hiding it from Mike—when she tries asking what it is and if anyone will kill for it, Walt lies and says no. Fra le serie più amate di tutti i tempi sia dalla critica che dal pubblico, Breaking Bad dopo 5 stagioni - che le hanno fruttato 16 Emmy Awards e 2 Golden Globes - di personaggi ed eventi indimenticabili, ci lascia con l’ultimo, disperato tentativo di Walter White (Bryan Cranston) di fare ciò per cui era diventato Heisenberg: lasciare dei soldi alla sua famiglia. Domani uscirà El Camino. —— Skyler White (played by Anna Gunn) - Breaking Bad. she asks, trying to convince Walt that Jesse must be killed ("Rabid Dog"). Privo di vita. Ci siamo. Vince Gilligan ha raccontato che si trattava solo di ipotesi, che non sono durate a lungo, ma si è parlato molto dell’uso dell’arma. Appearances in Better Call Saul Walt opens his wallet and Skyler once again tells him they do not want his money to which he acknowledges and lies that he has none to offer her anyway. C.F E P.IVA reg.imprese trib. By then, Skyler is seen to be pregnant with Walter White Jr. ("Full Measure"). As Skyler rests in the bedroom, Walt tells Hank about his marital issues, confirming Marie's story. After being warned that she will end up like Hank if she makes one wrong move, Skyler asks for Holly back. But unlike Walt, she chooses to accept the reality and horror of her actions (as painful as this is to her). E il finale più atteso dai tempi di quello di Lost è arrivato, inevitabile e definitivo. After Hank's death and Walt leaving town, she is forced to defend herself from federal prosecutors accusing her as an accomplice to Walt's crimes. She is also threatened with death by Todd Alquist if she in any way reveals Lydia Rodarte-Quayle's relationship to Walt. Walt's increasingly erratic behavior is not helping Skyler either, and things get complicated when he is kidnapped by Tuco. Apre la porta e la trova nella vasca, dove si è tagliata le vene. 2010 Main Skyler gives Walt five minutes to explain himself. Walter White (husband) †Walter White Jr. (son)Holly White (daughter)Marie Schrader (sister)Hank Schrader (brother-in-law) † Alive She finally breaks down, and admits that her only option is to wait until Walt's cancer returns to claim his life, a statement which visibly shocks him ("Fifty-One"). E c’è una grande differenza. Skyler and Walt later attend a birthday party for Elliott Schwartz, and give Elliott a pack of ramen as a present. Skyler brings the kids back and smiles at Walt while they have a party on the patio with Hank and Marie. Breaking Bad fans will recognize the Easter Egg as a reference to Lydia Rodarte-Quayle (Laura Fraser). She instead decides to do her part to make sure he doesn't go to prison and thus ruin her family. Probably no one's favorite character. Rifiutando di uccidere Walter, Jesse Pinkman si riappropria della sua libertà, ma soprattutto della sua umanità. Breaking Bad When Walter White, a New Mexico chemistry teacher, is diagnosed with Stage III cancer and given a prognosis of only two years left to live, he becomes filled with a sense of fearlessness and an unrelenting desire to secure his family's financial future at Per fortuna, è stato scartato. She later has a sonogram, which reveals that the baby is a girl. 吉利根創作和製作 。本劇由美國和加拿大地區的有線電視頻道 AMC 原創和播映。 最初首播於2008年1月20日,檔期處於夏季劇時段,至2013年9月29日播出大結局(第五季第16集),共播出五季62集。 He encourages her to trade the ticket for a deal with the prosecutor and finally free herself of the situation he has placed her in. Walt offers to confess the truth, but for Skyler, it is too late. Last At first, she hides this, but first shows signs of it when she meets a wounded Ted in the hospital and threatens him, also breaking out into tears. Skyler notices Walt arguing with Saul while there, and realizes Jesse had broken in earlier. …prima di poterti registrare alla nostra mailing list, dobbiamo verificare che la tua email sia valida!Apri l’email che ti abbiamo inviato all’indirizzo che ci hai fornito e clicca sul tasto di conferma per iniziare a ricevere la newsletter di NoSpoiler. She confesses that she had smoked three and a half cigarettes before disposing of them due to shame ("Breakage"). Gilligan racconta di aver avuto quell’idea ma di essere stato subito fermato, per fortuna, dagli altri sceneggiatori: non avrebbero mai saputo come convincere Walter Jr. ad andare avanti dopo una simile tragedia. Vuole il merito. Breaking Bad es una serie de televisión dramática estadounidense creada y producida por Vince Gilligan.Narra la historia de Walter White (Bryan Cranston), un profesor de química con problemas económicos a quien le diagnostican un cáncer de pulmón inoperable. He tells her to call the DEA immediately once he leaves and tell them he forced his way inside for his birthday and gave her the ticket. ", Breaking Bad Ozymandias - Walt And Skyler Fight, Breaking Bad Felina - I Did It For Me. She does not seem surprised that he shows up and merely sits still, smoking a cigarette. Status The White Residence (former)Skyler's Apartment Walt refuses and tries to get her to put the knife down, moving forward in the process. The call doesn't exonerate her, unfortunately, and she is interrogated by the DEA for information on Walt. She decides to return the tiara to the store, but discovers that it was stolen. E così, con l’automatizzazione dell’arma nell’auto, si è optato per un’ispirazione più in stile McGyver che in stile Rambo. Born on August 11, 1970, Skyler Lambert studied accounting and met Walter White while she was working in a restaurant near the Los Alamos National Laboratory (where Walter worked at the time). Minacciandoli con i due (falsi) killer che ha ingaggiato per assicurarsi che mantengano il loro impegno, Walter fa in modo che i 9 milioni e rotti che è riuscito a recuperare vengano consegnati a suo figlio al compimento del suo diciottesimo anno. This, along with Walt's decision to hide his cancer from his wife, causes her to become suspicious ("Pilot"). Skyler tries to get back at him by having sex with Ted ("I.F.T."). Skyler puts her foot down and says that even though she herself has been compromised, she will not have her children living in a house where dealing drugs and hurting people is glanced over. When Skyler asked Walter what happened, he simply replied "I won" ("Face Off"). Later on, the Whites meet the Schraders at a Mexican restaurant. Occupation Odiato dalla moglie Skyler (Anna Gunn) e dal figlio Walter Jr. (RJ Mitte), che ora conosce la verità sulle sue malefatte, Walter si rivolge a Gretchen (Jessica Hecht) ed Elliott Schwartz (Adam Godley): gli ex soci che hanno fatto fortuna e la cui vita, se le cose fossero andate diversamente, avrebbe potuto essere quella di Walter. First Age Skyler soon receives a call from Hank, asking her to meet in a diner. Breaking Bad The Fifth Season - "How Much Is Enough? Jesse compliments her cooking and she brushes him off. The whole idea of this fiction that allows them to launder this money is very much a creation of Skyler’s, and part of Skyler's wish to keep the family together no matter what. Skyler è in bagno e Walt le parla attraverso la porta: Andrà tutto bene… Ho un piano. Images (226). This article or section is incomplete and in need of attention. 26/09/2019 17:48 | aggiornato 22/06/2020 15:55. Remove this message when finished. Breaking Bad Car Wash Address. Breaking Bad Season 2 Episode 1 vf . In the bedroom, Walt tells Skyler that Marie took the kids but asserts it is only a temporary situation. It is unknown what becomes of Skyler following Walt's death or if the lottery ticket he gave her for the location of Hank and Steve's bodies exonerated her from his crimes. They buy the car wash from Bogdan Wolynetz, which they use to launder Walt's money, and establish a gambling addiction story to explain their rocky relationship and newfound wealth to the other members of their family. She later breaks down in tears, causing Walt, having recently returned from strangling Krazy-8, to confess that he has cancer ("...and the Bag's in the River"). 100% Kostenlos Online 3000+ Serien Furioso, Walt organizza una trappola mortale (con un meccanismo esplosivo a disposizione del killer per il suicidio) per l’assassino dopo averlo rinchiuso in uno scantinato: una vendetta terribile, fatta di torture che sarebbero durate settimane. 2009 It is revealed that Skyler is eventually forced to move into an apartment and takes a job as a taxi dispatcher, having all their assets seized. Ma non ci è piaciuto, non sembrava giusto. La quasi quarantenne incinta con un figlio in arrivo che non era stata prevista. After Walter's confrontation with Gus, Walter returned home to find Skyler still worried and confused. Aliases Skyler? Skyler cares for Walter very much, but their marriage becomes increasingly strained due to his unexplained absences and bizarre behavior, ultimately leading to their separation. Dopo la conclusione della serie, il creatore Vince Gillighan aveva reso noti i cinque finali alternativi che aveva preso in considerazione per la conclusione di Breaking Bad. Skyler and Walt's relationship also begins improving as they make love for the first time since Skyler learned of Walt's meth cooking ("Shotgun"). On their way home, Marie tells Hank that Skyler was talking about her upcoming family vacation in Europe "like it was a second honeymoon" ("Gliding Over All"). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Un’altra ipotesi che, mi permetto di far notare, in fondo è stata mantenuta, perché eliminando Jack e tutti i suoi uomini, Walt ha fatto esattamente questo: ha ucciso uomini ben peggiori di lui…. Scared and angry, Skyler lashes out, slashing his right hand in the process. Residence Ma Breaking Bad non ha una trama circolare: non finisce dov’era cominciato. Please complete this article to the highest level of quality before continuing on other articles. Following this, Skyler and Walt are seen in their bedroom filming a confession video.

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