In questa pagina puoi trovare tutti gli esercizi di inglese del sito in formato pdf facilmente scaricabili e stampabili. Sul lato di sinistra è presente l'indice delle lezioni grammaticali in lingua inglese affrontati in questo sito. you must use the past perfect tense. More difficult! No, come abbiamo visto nell’articolo dedicato ai verbi irregolari, tutti i verbi seguono il paradigma. Make sentences using the definite article appropriately, Fill in the gaps with a/an or the. Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to form the zero conditional, Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to form the second conditional, Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to form the third conditional, Complete the sentences using can or could. Fill in the gaps with the frequency adverb, from the less frequent to the most frequent.always,ever,often,hardly ever,sometimes,usually,seldom, Write sentences for these words. pay attention to the negative form of there is/there are. Complete the dialogue using the verbs below in the correct form. Ogni grafico riesce a mostrarti cosa ancora devi fare ma anche quanto già hai fatto! Complete the sentences using either the present simple or the present continuous. Complete using the positive or negative form of the imperative. Frasi di inglese per il dipendente, il turista o per il manager che vuole rinfrescare il suo inglese prima di un incontro o di un viaggio ma anche frasi in inglese che tornano utili in tante situazioni di tutti i giorni. Write the imperative form of the following verbs. Check the correct option to fill in the blanks. licensed under, è un'idea di Francesco Belloni (sviluppo software a Varese). E sta proprio qui, nel paradigma, la grande differenza fra verbi regolari e irregolari. Migliaia di esercizi di inglese gratuiti per imparare online nel più grande sito di inglese in Italia! Complete the sentences using the correct form of can / could / be able to.    Complete the sentences with to be/not to be going to + the appropriate verb. use its contracted form if it’s possible - part 1, Complete the dialogues with the appropriate form of the verb to be. Countable or uncountable? In questa sezione troverete schede, verifiche ed esercizi da eseguire on-line o da stampare per la materia Inglese (verbi), livello scuola secondaria inferiore, in particolare: past continous, past perfect, progressive, present simple, say e tell, to make e to do, phrasal verbs. Present continuous or past continuous? Check the correct alternative to complete the sentences below. Complete the sentences with who, which, whose. Write the plural of the following nouns. Change the underlined word with an appropriate demonstrative adjective, Complete the following sentences with the right demonstrative adjectives, Complete the sentences with an appropriate possessive adjective, Insert the correct possessive adjectives and pronouns, Replace the subjects in the brackets by a possessive adjectives. Questo sito utilizza cookie tecnici, analytics e di terze parti write c or u next to each noun part 1, Countable or uncountable?  Chi siamo Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb be able to. you must use the double genitive. Fill in the gaps with the correct article. Riepilogo di tutti gli esercizi del corso di inglese divisi per unità grammaticali e quindi per una più facile e immediata consultazione. Still or yet? There is or there are? fill in the gaps with the correct article. In questa parte del corso di inglese puoi allenare la tua capacità di cogliere le parole di inglese attraverso delle letture. Write the plural of the following demonstrative adjectives and vice verse. Canzoni di inglese che ti permetteranno attraverso gli esercizi di migliorare la tua capacità di comprensione dell'inglese parlato (cantato). Fill in the gaps with the verb given using the future simple appropriately, Complete the sentences using the future tense, Complete the sentences using the future simple, Answers the quenstions shortly, using the indications given, Complete the sentences using the future tense correctly, Rewrite the following dialogues and the correct form of the future tense using the indications in the brackets (part 1), Rewrite the following dialogues and the correct form of the future tense using the indications in the brackets (part 2), Complete the dialogue using the future tense appropriately. Brani e testi in inglese con domande sulla comprensione del testo. write “present” or “future”. in some sentences more than one solution is possible. Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t. Answer the questions. P.IVA: 03445490125. Complete the following sentences using must or must have and modifying the verb in the brackets appropriately, Fill in the gaps with should/shouldn't- should have/ shouldn’t have/ mustn’t o don’t have to, Fill in the gaps with may/might, may have/might have (in some cases you can choos more solutions. Rewrite the underlined parts by conjugating the verbs in the brackets followed by the infinitive verb. ATTIVITA' - traduzioni, giochi, canzoni, verbi, esercizi e molto altro ancora! Indicate if the tense in italics in each sentence refers to a present tense or a future tense. Sono divisi sia per unità sia per corso base/intermedio/avanzato. read and check. Qui puoi trovare tantissimi (più di 1000) audio di inglese. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. Italian.xlsx - ID:5c1168c922840. Esercizi di livello facile per chi è alle prime armi e vuole esercitarsi con divertenti esercizi di inglese. Re-write the following sentences as in the example. do not use "to do" and remember to use "got".    Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in parentheses in the interrogative form. please do not use the contract form of the verb. words can be used twice [in - after - until -at -then -before], Time expressions: before, after, until, at, on, in, then (part 1), Time expressions: before, after, until, at, on, in, then (part 2), Fill in the blanks with -then- or -after-, The weather. make sure to pick the appropriate adverbs for each sentence: precisely/lately/just/yet/ recently/already, Write a question in the present perfect tense using the given words, Re-write the second part of the following sentences using the present perfect simple, Using the present perfect simple tense, turn the following sentences in the negative, interrogative or negative-interrogative form. Choose between present simple and present continuous. Complete the sentences with an appropriate verb. use the right position of the frequency negative adverb, Put the following adverbs of frequency in the right order. Using the elements given, write affirmative sentences with the simple present of to be, do not contract it, Using the elements given, write sentences like in the example. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the simple present of the verb to be. put the verbs into the correct form. choose the right option (part 1), The weather. Transform these affirmative sentences into negative ones and vice verse. Complete the sentences with the right preposition, Complete the sentences with a personal pronoun complement, Match the subject pronouns with their corresponding complement [ us you her them him me it ], Rewrite the sentences by changing the underlined part into an appropriate complement pronoun. Change the sentences of the previous exercise into negative ones. put an x if no article is required part 2, Complete the sentences using a/an appropriately, Fill in the gaps with at or in appropriately, Fill in the gaps with a preposition or an adverb where necessary, Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning like the example, Fill in the gaps with at-in-on. What is the correct reported speech of the sentences below? Check if the sentences below is direct speech or reported speech. Esercizio con il past simple in inglese (Punteggio -/-) Completa le frasi con il past simple in ... Esercizio con i verbi irregolari in inglese (Punteggio -/-) 9.11 Verbi regolari in ... troverai una copia in formato pdf da poter scaricare e stampare. Rewrite the sentences using the saxon genitive. Have fun! when possible use there is with its contracted form - part 1, Fill the gaps. fill in the gaps with the correct article. Questo sito utilizza cookie tecnici, analytics e di terze parti Per questa particolare tipologia di verbi inglesi infatti, non esiste un’unica basic form da trasformare qualora si voglia ottenere il simple past o il past participle. fill in the gaps correctly using the verbs below: stir serve let combine(x2) blend bake mix pour, Rewrite the sentences changing the expressions between the | | with the possessive case. Qui puoi trovare la lista dei più comuni Phrasal Verbs con esercizi di inglese on line per esercitarti sul loro corretto uso. Prenditi il giusto tempo e scegli con cura le risposte del test. Italiano/Inglese e Inglese/Italiano. Singular, plural or both? Complete the sentences using the rather than or instead of. Ci sono vari livelli di difficoltà e vari accenti: riscrivi la frase e scopri il tuo livello di comprensione dell'inglese orale. part 1, More difficult! if a preposition isn’t used, put x, Write the preposition of time for the following. Biblioteca personale SCUOLA SECONDARIA INGLESE VERBI 70 materiali . Per ogni verbo irregolare esiste uno specifico paradigma, ovvero tre versioni diverse: una per la basic form , una per il simple past e una per il past … Complete the sentences using may or might. Complete the sentences with enough and the given noun. Le macchine tipografiche monotipo e linotipo furono introdotte verso la fine del XIX secolo. when it is not possible, simply write “not possible”. Complete the sentences using a few or a little, Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. choose the right option. Per ogni argomento, vi è la spiegazione grammaticale in lingua italiana al termine della quale potrai svolgere uno o più esercizi con la correzione direttamente online. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Test di inglese che ti permetterà velocemente di scoprire il tuo livello di inglese e quindi iniziare il corso dalla giusta unità.    Complete the sentences using the future perfect continuous form of the verbs in parentheses. remember that they are all irregular. use the contract form when possible. Make sentences using the words given, the modal verb can, and adding all the necessary elements, Complete with can, can't, could, couldn't. there are also other nouns or events in the list below which do not concern days, months and seasons. P.IVA: 03445490125. complete the sentences. Read the sentences and check the correct ones. pay attention to its position in the sentence! Read the sentences below and check if the use of the word rather is preference (p), intensity (i) or option (o). read the sentences carefully and check. write an a for indefinite adjectives and a p for indefinite pronouns. do not contract the verb to be. use there is/there are, there isn’t/there aren’t and is there?/are there?. Replace the subject in the brackets with the appropriate pronoun. Il simple past di to be I verbi semi modali Unità 13 Il futuro intenzionale ... Esercizi inglesi da stampare. Yet or already?  Chi siamo Nel pannello ogni utente può con facilità controllare tutti i punti che hai ottienuto negli gli esercizi. First conditional – complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets part 1, First conditional – complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets part 2, Second conditional – complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets part 1, Second conditional – complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets part 2, Third conditional – complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets part 1, Third conditional – complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets part 2, Fill in the gaps with the appropriate expression: early / late / on time / in time / too late. See … Fill the gaps. put an x if no article is required part 1, Fill in the gaps with a/an or the or x/the. Fill the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in parentheses in the negative form. Dizionario per scoprire tutte le definizioni e le parole inglesi del sito. in some cases there can be more than one correct answer. Put the following verbs into the –ing form. Prospetto delle lezioni Nascondi. Hai un dubbio diverso? Complete the sentences with the correct form of say or tell.