81,802, This story has been shared 48,118 times. He says the number is more like 50,000 murders that Pablo Escobar is responsible for. “Killing was too easy. He has confessed to killing upwards of 300 people in Colombia during his time working for Escobar… Popeye, en 2015, llevando flores y rezando ante la tumba de Pablo Escobar RAUL ARBOLEDA / AFP Se entregó a las fuerzas de seguridad antes de la muerte de Pablo Escobar Jhon Jairo Velasquez Vasquez, nicknamed Popeye, passed away in … Tranquilo, ahora nos sirve más vivo que muerto>>. 37,752, This story has been shared 37,375 times. A Medellín, certains le traitent comme une star de cinéma, mais d’autres ne parviennent pas à lui pardonner ses actes. David Echeverri Lopez, head of forests and biodiversity at the CORNARE regional environmental agency, told … February 6, 2020 | 9:05am | Updated February 6, 2020 | 10:00am. Tal vez después. You know, you read the statistics. Your California Privacy Rights Drug kingpin Pablo Escobar’s top hitman - known as 'Popeye' - has died. ; La série Alias J.J Surviving Escobar raconte sa vie en prison. Pablo Escobar’s top hitman, Jhon Jairo Velásquez Vásquez — nicknamed “Popeye” — died Thursday after a battle with esophageal cancer, according to new reports. Whenever I took a life, I didn’t feel anything. Pablo Escobar's chief hitman 'Popeye' dies of cancer. La série colombienne Pablo Escobar, le patron du mal retraçant le parcours de Pablo Escobar consacre son personnage en la personne de Marino, le tueur à la casquette et à l'indéfectible loyauté envers le parrain. Jhon Jairo Velásquez, a former associate of the drug lord Pablo Escobar, after being captured in Medellín, Colombia, in 2018. Roberto Escobar, el hermano de Pablo, intervino, dirigiéndose a Popeye con calma y respeto: <
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